Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Blog 8

  • This weeks entry will be covering material that was discussed in chapter 6 of the textbook. Technology or curriculum integration is the combination of all technology parts such as hardware and software together with each subject-related area of curriculum to enhance learning. This means using more technology in the classroom curriculums of todays schools. They are using computer, tvs, projectors, etc. to help integrate technology in the classroom since it is a big part of todays society. ASSURE model is procedural guide for planning and delivering instruction that intergrates technologies and media into the teaching process. A-Analyze the learner; S-State the onjectives; S-Select methods, media, and materials;U-Utilize methods, media, and materials; R-Require learner participation; E-Evaluate and revise. Learning theories provide frameworks for interpreting the conditions and observations of teaching and learning and provides the bridge between education and research.
  • I acquired new skills this week inside and outside the classroom through the exercises and assignments. One of the new skills I learned this week was how to creat a wiki. We had to create a wiki and learnded how it was different from a blog. I can use this in the classroom to post things or have students create something since more than one person can edit a wiki. I also learned how to link your wiki to another wiki or a main page wiki. This will help if I ever have my students create there own wiki they can link it to my home and see all theres right through mine.
  • The new skills I acquired this week goes hand in hand with some of the things I can use in my future career in creating wiki and linking them to others. This course is giving us a good backround on how to use a variety of different tools and concepts to help teach using technology. Since technology is a important part of society today its important to teach the teachers how to use the technologies to there potential. I will use some technology definitely when I teach so its good to learn all this stuff.

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